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The Vigilant Retreat

4th Annual Retreat for Catholic Young Adults

Registration is Closed

This Year's Theme

Behold your mother

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"To win the entire world for the Immaculata and, through her, for the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus." - St. Maximilian Kolbe


March 14-16, 2025

The retreat will begin Friday evening and end Sunday mid-afternoon.


Catholic Young Adults (21-39) in the Charlotte diocese. Other young adults (non-Catholic or outside of Charlotte) are also welcome.


Catholic Conference Center in Hickory, NC (about an hour out from center Charlotte).


This year's focus will be on increasing our devotion to Mary, knowing she is the surest way we can remain vigilant in our relationship with the Lord.

What to Expect



Step away from the usual busy life and enter into a time filled with daily mass, confession, reflection time, and adoration.



Share this weekend with old friends and new. Get to know your peers better through small group discussions and recreation time.


Our variety of speakers will inspire you to be vigilant in your faith and to grow in devotion to our Lord and His blessed Mother.

Watch and Pray

Watch and Pray

The Story Behind the Retreat

The Vigilant Retreat began as a response to the need for young adult community and spiritual revival. Since 2022, it has brought together hundreds of young adults to refocus on faith, build lasting connections, and set our sights on what truly matters: the pursuit of Heaven.

It seems, too often, we lose sight of our goal, of our mission. We get comfortable and distracted, slowly drifting away from holiness, thus, our salvation, and so importantly, the salvation of our brethren. We must not forget we are called to be disciples and we are called to make disciples. We are called to use our gifts and talents. We are called to speak the truth even when the world is against us. We are called to stay awake and be vigilant, for we do not know the hour in which He will come again. There is a spiritual battle among us. We must prepare ourselves to fight.

What others have To Say

"I learned a lot and met really good people! ...God showed me I'm not alone and there's a wider community of young practicing catholics."

"I'm thankful for this opportunity to be around Catholics my age. This was my first retreat and I'd do it again."

"My experience was incredible. The topic + talks were perfect and so relevant to our demographic. I wouldn't change a thing."

Home: Testimonials

Love our mission?

Help make this wonderful retreat accessible to all young adults through a tax-deductible donation-- big or small, it all helps! Regardless if you donate or not though, please keep us in your prayers!  


Organizations who have supported our mission!


St. Ann Catholic Church

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May we all have a fire ignited in our hearts. May we not fall asleep. May we stay vigilant. For You are coming like a thief in the night, and it is my greatest prayer that we are ready.


St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.

All our Holy Guardian Angels, protect us.

St. Catherine of Siena, pray for us.

St. John the Baptist, pray for us.

St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us.

St. Paul the Apostle, pray for us.

St. Margaret Mary, pray for us.

St. Francis De Sales, pray for us.

St. Ann, pray for us.

St. Joseph, pray for us.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Mediatrix of All Graces, Virgin Most Powerful, Gate of Heaven, Seat of Wisdom, Cause of Our Joy, Queen of All Saints, Lady of the Rosary, Refuge of Sinners, Crusher of the Head of satan, Advocate of all, Hope of Christians, Mother of the Church, pray for us.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

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